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Compare and Sync with Catalog

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The Compare and Sync with Catalog feature allows you to compare and display differences for Products and Labor Items in a Project with what is in your SI Catalog.


compare and sync menu.png


Use this when you want to see if anything has changed in your Catalog since adding the Product/Labor Item to a Project or if you want to compare changes made in a Project with what is in the Catalog.


Select the Product(s)/Labor Item(s) that you want to compare and click Catalog->Compare and Sync from the Catalog tab in the Project Editor. This will open the following interface:


compare and sync form.png


The upper section of the interface lists the items that have differences and will indicates the following;


Pricing Differences - This will indicate if any pricing differences exist.

Discontinued - The item as been marked as discontinued in your Catalog.

Unapproved in Catalog - The item as been marked as unapproved in your Catalog.

Not in Catalog - The item does not exist in your Catalog.


In addition, there are columns to indicate whether the item is in a Package or if it is an Accessory.


You can use the Quick Filter button if needed to exclude any of the differences listed above:


quick filter.png


The bottom section of the interface lists all of the fields that have differences between the Project and your Catalog and their respective values.


You can select any number of items and choose whether you want to Update to Catalog or Update from Catalog:


update to from catalog.png


Prior to doing either Update to/from Catalog, you should check your Fields options to ensure that you are updating only the fields desired:


fields dropdown.png


You can also select any number of items in the upper grid and choose to replace them with another item from your Catalog. This is useful for items that are Discontinued in your Catalog.



Compare on Project Open


There are options in Project Settings that you can set to automatically check for the following differences between items in the Project and your Catalog: Pricing Differences, Discontinued, Unapproved, and Not in Catalog when a Project is opened.


project settings.png


Note: These are the ONLY fields that will be compared when the Project is opened. If you want to compare all fields, scroll up to see how to run this feature at any time within the Project Editor.


When the Project is opened, you will see a prompt similar to the one below depending on your settings and what differences are found for all items the Project:


compare and sync prompt on project open.png


When you click Yes, the Compare and Sync with Catalog interface will open as described above and allow you to Update to/from Catalog and Replace items.

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