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Workflow Rules



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Workflow rules allow you to set up notifications and/or actions for when chosen criteria are met. They can be set up for the following "entities" in SI: Projects, Purchase Orders, Tasks, Service Orders, and Service Plans. Each entity will have its own set of criteria. Each entity has two options for the action: Lock [entity] and Lock [entity] Reports. Notifications are "in-app" as well as emailed.


This is the main interface where you will create and manage your Workflow Rules:


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When you click the New button and choose the entity for which you want to create a rule. If you are pre-filtered to a particular entity this step will be skipped.




This opens the following interface (Project entity chosen for these screen shots):



General Tab

Execute On


Choose your "Execute on" option.The options are:


Create - When the entity is created

Update - When the entity is updated. This option will have the most options for the Criteria

Delete - When the entity is deleted

Reminder (Projects and Service Plans only) - Set the number of days that a project has been checked out, the number of days before a Service Plan expires or auto-renews, as well as other Project date fields.

Lock - When the entity is locked (see below)

Unlock - When the entity is unlocked

Lock Reports - When the entity's reports are locked

Unlock Reports - When the entity's reports are unlocked


A name is required so you will need to enter one.

Criteria Tab


The Criteria tab is where you will determine what field values or actions should trigger the rule. Multiple criteria can be selected and all chosen criteria must be met to trigger a rule.




If an entity has Custom Fields defined, you can also use many Custom Fields as your Criteria for the Workflow Rule.


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The criteria options will vary based on the entity chosen as well as the Execute On (see above) chosen. Common to all entities are User and User Role.




Criteria Description


Which user(s) trigger the rule
User Role All users assigned to a specific role


When the status of a project matches selection(s)
Assigned To Changed When the Assigned To field changes for a Project
Sales Rep Changed  
Project Manager Changed  
Designer Changed  
Resource Added When a Resource is added 
Resources Deleted When a Resource is deleted
Cost When the cost of the project meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Price When the price of the project meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Margin When the margin of the project meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Markup When the markup of the project meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Total Price When the total price of the project meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Over Budget When the project price exceeds the budget field
Project Approved When a project is approved
Projects Unapproved When a project is unapproved
File Added When a file is added to a project
File Deleted When a file is deleted from a project
Revision Added When a revision is created
Revision Deleted When a revision is deleted
Change Order Added When a change order is created
Change Order Deleted When a change order is deleted
Change Order Status When a change order's Status changes. Options are Pending, Approved, and Rejected.
Accounting Estimate Number Changed When the Accounting Estimate Number field changes
Accounting Order Number Changed

When the Accounting Order Number changes

Notes Updated

When the Notes field is updated.

Comments Added When Comments are added.
Checked out for more than Here you can enter a number of days that a project has been checked out from the server
Estimated Start Date in Here you can enter a number of days out from the Estimated Start Date for a Project
Estimated Close Date in Here you can enter a number of days out from the Estimated Close Date for a Project
Start Date in Here you can enter a number of days out from the Start Date for a Project
End Date in Here you can enter a number of days out from the End Date for a Project

Purchase Orders


Criteria Description
User Which user(s) trigger the rule
User Role All users assigned to a specific role
Status When the order status matches the selection(s)
Total Price When the total price of the purchase order meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Published/Unpublished to Vendor Portal When a purchase order is published or unpublished to the Vendor Portal
Accounting Number Changed When the Accounting Order Number changes
Item Receipt Created When an Item Receipt is created.
Item Receipt Updated When changes are made to an existing Item Receipt.



Criteria Description
User Which user(s) trigger the rule
User Role All users assigned to a specific role
Status When the task status matches the selection(s)
Resource Added When a Resource is added
Resource Deleted When a Resource is deleted
Published/Unpublished to Mobile Install When a task is published or unpublished to Mobile Install

Service Orders


Criteria Description
User Which user(s) trigger the rule
User Role All users assigned to a specific role
Status When the service order status matches the selection(s)
Resource Added When a Resource is added
Resource Deleted When a Resource is deleted
Total Price When the total price of the service order meets whatever threshold you set. Choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal To
Published/Unpublished to Mobile Install When a task is published or unpublished to Mobile Install
Accounting Estimate Number Changed When the Accounting Estimate Number field changes

Service Plans


Criteria Description


Which user(s) trigger the rule
User Role All users assigned to a specific role
Status When the status of a Service Plan matches the selection(s)
Expires in Here you set the number of days ahead of a Service Plan's End Date.
Auto renew in Here you can set the number of days ahead of when a Service Plan will auto renew.

Notify Tab


This is where you will choose who will get notified when the rule is triggered:




Here you can choose any SI users that you would like to receive in-app notifications. For people outside of your company there is the option notify the Primary Contact on the entity, as well as a field to add any additional email addresses whom you would like to receive an e-mail notification when a rule is triggered.

In-App Notifications


In-App Notifications are viewable in the upper right-hand corner of the SI interface:




A number will display on the button indicating how many notifications you have. While notifications are sent real-time, you can choose how often this button updates via your Application Settings.


Click the button to view the notifications:




If you receive notifications while not logged in you will see a notification the next time you log in:



E-mail Notifications


By default, if you receive a notification in-app you will also receive an e-mail as well. E-mail notification can also be set for non-SI users.


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You can create a message (see below) on the Message tab when sending emails.


SI users can choose not to receive the e-mail notifications if desired. Simply click your user name in the upper-right corner of the SI Interface to display the My Account information:




Check the option shown below:


do not.jpg

Message Tab




Here you can create a message to be included in the email notifications that will be sent for the Workflow Rule. You can use the Insert Field feature to add common fields from the entity to the email message:


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Actions Tab


You can choose whether or not you want to lock the entity or the entity's reports when the rule is triggered.




When locked a lock icon will display next to the entity in its Explorer interface:




When locked, an entity cannot be edited. When an entity's reports are locked, reports cannot be run for entity. They can only be unlocked by a user with permissions to unlock. To unlock an entity, go to the Tools tab of that entity's Explorer interface:


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Projects and project reports can also be unlocked from within the Project Editor via the Tools tab:


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When a user unlocks an entity or its reports, a check is run for all Workflow Rules that will lock the entity and its reports and allow the user to opt out of future locks when the selected rules are chosen. Example: a project is locked because it is over budget. A manager approves reviews and decides that this project can exceed the budget. When they unlock the project they can choose not to have the project locked again due to being over budget.


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