Home > SI Documentation (v15) > User Guide > Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Explorer > Creating Purchase Orders > Creating Bulk Purchase Orders

Creating Bulk Purchase Orders



You can create multiple Purchase Orders across multiple Projects for multiple Vendors at the same time using the Bulk Create feature. You can do this in the Purchase Order Explorer or from the Purchase Orders tab in the Project Explorer.

Step 1


Click the Bulk Create button:


bulk create button.jpg


This will open the Bulk Create Purchase Orders dialog:


bulk create step 1.jpg


To add Projects, click Projects->Add Projects:


add projects button.jpg


On this dialog you can select as many Projects as desired:


add projects dialog.jpg


The last project you select on the dialog above will be the Project that is initially selected to add items from to the Purchase Orders:


selected project.jpg


You can change the selected Project via Projects->Select Project:


select project button.jpg


select project dialog.jpg


Use the Add from Project button to choose the items you want to add, either summarized by quantity or listed as units:


add from project.jpg


add summarized items.jpg


add unit items.jpg


You can also choose to add items from your Catalog to order:


add from catalog.jpg


The default grouping is by Vendor but you can change this if desired:


group by.jpg


All items must be assigned to Vendor before proceeding to the next step or will get the following warning:


unassigned warning.jpg


You can select multiple unassigned items and click the Change Vendor button:


change vendor button.jpg


change vendor dialog.jpg

Step 2


Each Vendor will be listed on the left side of the dialog and the default is that a new Purchase Order will be created for each Vendor. If that is what you want, click Finish:


bulk create step 2.jpg



However, if there are existing Purchase Orders (with Status = "Draft") for any of the Vendors, you can choose to append these items to an existing Purchase Order:


add to draft option.jpg


When you check the "Add to Existing Draft Purchase Order" option you will be prompted to choose an existing Purchase Order for the selected Vendor:


existing po list.jpg


When you click Finish the following prompt will display:


confirmation to create.jpg

Project Explorer


There is a slight difference to the creation of Bulk Purchase Orders when done from the Purchase Orders tab in the Project Explorer. Here you can select the Projects you want to create Purchase Orders for prior to clicking the Bulk Create button:


project explorer.jpg

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