Home > SI Documentation (v15) > User Guide > Reports > Standard Reports > Brother Wire Label Printer > Customizing Brother Wire Templates

Customizing Brother Wire Templates

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The stock Brother Wire Label Templates are stored in the following location - C:\ProgramData\D-Tools\SIX\Templates




All of the stock SI templates were designed to be used with 1" label tape. We recommend basing your custom templates off of one of the existing reports, even if you are going to change the label width, since our templates already have the fields available to you. There is limited editing available.


This was written using Brother P-Touch 5.1.



  1. Launch the Brother P-Touch software. Click Open and then browse to the following location: C:\ProgramData\D-Tools\SIX\Templates


open existing template.jpg 

You will need to change the "Files of type:" option to All Layout Files:


files of type.jpg


  1. Select the one you wish to edit. The Flag labels have images on them, the wrap labels do not. Double-click the file or click the [Open] button:


choose existing template.jpg


The file will open and you will see in this example of a flag label that there are only three fields available, duplicated for each side of the label: an image field, a message field, and a text field.


flag stock example.jpg


The image is just an image field.


The "message1" and "message2" fields will display a Custom Message if you choose this option in the Brother Wire Label Printer interface:


custom message field.jpg


The "text1" and "text2" fields will display whatever fields you have chosen via the Field Chooser within the Brother Wire Label Printer interface:


field chooser.jpg


So, all you can really modify on these label templates are:


- Changing the image file

- Removing fields

- Changing the width of the labels and fields for a different width label cartridge


In this example, we will be changing the image file.


  1. Select one of the image fields, right-click and choose "Change Image...":


change image.jpg


  1. Browse to your desired image and then repeat for the image field:


changed image.jpg


  1. When done, click File->Save As and name and save your new template to the following location: C:\ProgramData\D-Tools\SIX\Templates


save as.jpg


save as location.jpg


  1. Click [Yes] when prompted to save in previous version format:


save in old format.jpg


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