Home > SI Documentation (v19) > User Guide > Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Explorer > Creating Purchase Orders > Creating Bulk Purchase Orders

Creating Bulk Purchase Orders

You can create multiple Purchase Orders across multiple Projects and/or Service Orders for multiple Vendors at the same time using the Bulk Create feature.


You can do this in the Purchase Order Explorer or from the Purchase Orders tab in the Project Explorer.

Purchase Order Explorer


Click the Bulk Create button:


bulk create button.jpg


This will open the Bulk Create Purchase Orders dialog where you can add Products, Labor Items, or items from an Allowance either from a Project, Service Order, or from your Catalog.


bulk create form.png




Click Add Projects to select as many Projects as you would like to add to the Purchase Order:


sdd projects.png


All projects display by default but you can choose to set your Pre-Filter options for specific Project Statuses:


pre-filter projects.png


The projects will list in the left pane. Select a project and then click Add Project Items and choose either "Summarized" or "Units". The difference here is whether or not similar items (same Manufacturer:Model) will be grouped together or listed separately.


add project items.png


If the Project is checked out to you, you will be prompted to check in the project. You should do this as the copy that is checked in to the SI Server is what will be used for the Purchase Order.



The Add Items dialog will open. If you have already assigned a Vendor to the Purchase Order, the items are pre-filtered to the items in the Project that are assigned to the Vendor. You can change this filter on the left side of the interface.


add items summarized.png



This is the "Units" interface for adding items. This lists every item as its own line item.


add items units.png


Select the items you want to add to the Purchase Order by using Shift or Ctrl on your keyboard then click the Add and Close button. The items will display on the Projects tab:


items added to project tab.png


At the bottom of the tab you will see the totals for the selected Project, as well as the totals for the entire Purchase Order.


By default, the items will group by Vendor and Project, but you can group by however you need. Every item must be assigned a Vendor before the Purchase Orders can be created, see below.


group by for projects.png

Service Orders


You can also choose to add items to a Purchase Order from Service Orders. Click the Service Orders tab and then Add Service Orders button:


add service orders.png


All Service Orders display by default but you can choose to set your Pre-Filter options for specific Schedule Statuses:


pre filter service orders.png


The Service Orders will list in the left pane. Select a Service Order and then click the Add Service Order Items:


add service order items.png



Click the Catalog tab and the the Add from Catalog button and choose whether you are adding Products, Labor Items, or Bundled Cable.


add from catalog.png


This will open a slightly different dialog depending on which option you choose. Here you can select whatever items you wish to order from your Catalog. Once you've made your selections click the Add and Close button.

Unit of Measure


Purchase Orders utilize the Unit of Measure field for Products and will automatically adjust the quantities for Products where a unit of measure has been set.


Example: The following wire is set to be Bulk Wire so it is priced by the foot but it is bought in spools of 500 feet:


uom number of units.png


When added to a Purchase Order from a Project where there is a total of 1050 feet of wire, the quantity to order will be 3.



The field used on Purchase Orders to determine your price per unit is named "Unit Price". This "Unit Price" field is generally the "Unit Cost" field for Products in your Projects/Service Orders/Catalog, so just a slight difference in pricing terminology.


When adding Products from Projects and/or Service Orders, the price that is used on the Purchase Order for the Product depends on whether or not you have specific fields populated in your Catalog.


If you have populated the "Purchase Cost" field for a Product, that value will be used for the Unit Price on the Purchase Order:


purchase cost field.png


If the "Number of units in Order UOM" is populated, it is ignored for calculating the Unit Price for Products on a Purchase Order when the Purchase Cost field is populated.


Example: There is 600 feet of a bulk wire added to a Project, set to a Unit Cost of 0.18. In the Catalog, the "Purchase Cost" is set to $89.99, "Order UOM" is set to "Spool", and the "Number of units in Order UOM" is set to 500 feet. All of this wire is added to a Purchase Order. The quantity of the wire on the Purchase Order will display as "2" (two spools), and the Unit Price will be $89.99.


If the Purchase Cost field is not populated, the "Number of units in Order UOM" value will be used to do math with the Unit Cost that is set for the Product, to determine the Unit Price for the Product on the Purchase Order.


uom number of units.png


Example: There is 600 feet of a bulk wire added to a Project, set to a Unit Cost of 0.18. In the Catalog, the "Order UOM" is set to "Spool" and the "Number of units in Order UOM" is set to 500 feet. All of this wire is added to a Purchase Order. The quantity of the wire on the Purchase Order will display as "2" (two spools), and the Unit Price will be $90 (500 x 0.18).


When the "Purchase Cost" field is not populated, and the Unit Cost for a Product in the Project or Service Order is different than the Unit Cost in the Catalog, when Products are added to a Purchase Order you will get the following prompt displaying the difference. The items will be pre-checked with the option to "Use Catalog Unit Cost". Make your choices and click OK.


compare cost with catalog.png




Before you can proceed to the next step of bulk purchase order creation, all items must be assigned to a Vendor. The Projects/Service Orders/Catalog tabs can be grouped however you choose your preferred grouping to identify items not assigned to a Vendor.


group by.jpg


You can select multiple unassigned items and click the Change Vendor button:


change vendor.png


Once all the items have been assigned to a Vendor, click the Next button on the dialog:


next button.png


Each Vendor will be listed on the left side of the dialog and the default is that a new Purchase Order will be created for each Vendor. If that is what you want, click Finish:


bulk create step 2.jpg


However, if there are existing Purchase Orders (with Status = "Draft") for any of the Vendors, you can choose to append these items to an existing Purchase Order:


add to draft option.jpg


When you check the "Add to Existing Draft Purchase Order" option you will be prompted to choose an existing Purchase Order for the selected Vendor:


existing po list.jpg


When you click Finish the following prompt will display:


confirmation to create.jpg

Project Explorer


There is a slight difference to the creation of Bulk Purchase Orders when done from the Purchase Orders tab in the Project Explorer. Here you can select the Projects you want to create Purchase Orders for prior to clicking the Bulk Create button:


project explorer.jpg

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