Home > SI Documentation (v21) > User Guide > Time Sheets > Creating Time Sheets

Creating Time Sheets

There are two places that Time Sheets can be created "directly" within SI:  the Time Sheet Explorer in SI and within Mobile Install, which then syncs to SI.


It is likely that Time Sheets will be primarily created by your Resources in the Mobile Install interface for Tasks and Service Orders but they can also be created in the Time Sheet Explorer if you don't use Mobile Install, or for time billed against a Project or non-billable time for a Resource.


Another option is to import time sheets from QuickBooks Time, or via a .CSV file from whatever other time sheet software you use.


Note: If you have enabled the QuickBooks Time integration, the default setting is to disable Time Sheets in Mobile Install but this can be changed to allow for Time Sheets to be created in both places if you have a need for that.

Directly in SI


You can open this via Start->Time Sheets->Manage Time Sheets:






Click the New button and make your choice for which type of Time Sheet you would like to create: Project, Task, Service Order, or Company.


new dropdown.jpg


The screen shots below show the creation of a Project Time Sheet. You will be prompted to select a Project (or a Task or Service Order based on your choice):


select project.jpg


The New Project Time Sheet form will open:


new time sheet form.png


Set the date and choose a Resource and then choose whether you want to add a Duration Entry or a Time In/Time Out Entry:


duration or time entry.png


Shown below is a New Duration Entry:


new duration entry.png


Multiple time entries can be entered per Time Sheet.


The fields for each time entry are listed below.


Labor Type

This field is optional but it is highly recommended that you enter a Labor Type for a time entry either when creating the Time Sheet or when approving the Time Sheet. Adding a Phase makes for much more detailed Job Cost reporting.

*Sub-Labor Type

This field only displays if you have the following Time Sheet Setting ticked:


time sheet setting for sub labor type.png


* Not shown in screen shot above. This will give you even more granularity when running Job Cost reporting.



This field is optional but it is highly recommended that you enter a Phase for a time entry either when creating the Time Sheet or when approving the Time Sheet. Adding a Phase makes for much more detailed Job Cost and Labor Utilization reporting.


This field will display either "Duration" or "Time In/Out".


This field is where you will enter labor hours for a Resource when adding a Duration Entry and will auto-populate based on the Time In/Time Out entries when adding a Time In/Time Out Entry.

Time In

This field is editable for a Time In/Time Out Entry.

Time Out

This field is editable for a Time In/Time Out Entry.


This field is ticked by default for time entries for Project/Task/Service Order Time Sheets but you can uncheck this if the time entry is non-billable.


This field is used to mark a time entry as "overtime". This field will likely be changed as needed by the person who is approving Time Sheets. There is a Time Sheet  User Group permission for whether your users can edit this field.





This field is optional but allows you to add a description of the time entry if desired.

Tasks/Service Orders


Although Time Sheets for Task and Service Orders will likely be created by Resources in the Mobile Install interface, they can also be created directly in SI via the Time Sheet Explorer as shown above, or they can be created directly when editing a Task/Service Order in SI:


edit task.jpg


For details on creating Time Sheets in Mobile Install, see Managing Tasks (MI) and/or Managing Service Orders (MI).


Note: If you have enabled the QuickBooks Time integration, the default setting is to disable Time Sheets in Mobile Install but this can be changed to allow for Time Sheets to be created in both places if you have a need for that.

Company Time Sheets


A Company Time Sheet is not associated with a Client and the time entries are non-billable. These can be used for hours your Resources are paid for but cannot be billed to a Client, e.g. cleaning out the van, organizing the warehouse, etc. These entries are used in our Labor Utilization view/report calculations.


company time sheets.png

Importing CSV


You can also import Time Sheets from a CSV file into SI:




Once you browse to your CSV file you will then need to map any CSV fields that aren't an automatic match to fields in SI:


map csv fields form.jpg


When you click the Map link next to a field you can choose from one of the available fields in SI, or you can choose to unmap any fields you do not wish to import by clicking the <None> button.


map csv.png


There is an option to designate hours as overtime based on your Business Hours and Holidays settings.


overtime setting.jpg


Once you have mapped all your fields, click OK on the Map CSV File form and the Import Time Sheets form will open:


import time sheets form 2.jpg


Here all entries will be considered inadequate as they have not yet been added to a Project, Task, or Service Order. If the Resource name from the CSV isn't an exact match to a Resource in SI then that is also considered inadequate. Use the buttons on the ribbon to assign the required fields.


inadequate symbol.jpg


There is also a Mass Update button available for updating fields:


mass update button.jpg


mass update time sheets.png


Once you are done assigning the necessary fields, click Import to import the Time Sheets into SI. Once imported you can then Approve the Time Sheets, see above.


import button.jpg

Importing from QuickBooks Time


If you have enabled the QuickBooks Time integration, you will have the option to import time sheets from QuickBooks Time into SI. Click here for details.


import from qb time.png

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