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Visio/AutoCAD not Linked to SI




You open a Visio or AutoCAD file in SI and none of the "SI" stuff loads, e.g. no Project Editor or D-Tools SI Shapes window open.



This is likely due to Visio or AutoCAD having been installed after the SI Client was installed, so our Add-Ins for these could not be loaded.


To fix, open SI and then got to Start->Setup->Control Panel:


4-7-2016 2-50-12 PM.png


Under the Drawing Add-Ins Manager section, run the appropriate function for your Visio, either 32-bit or 64-bit. In most cases, Visio will be installed as 32-bit.


add ins manager buttons.png


When you run this file it will open the following interface:


addins manager form.png


You will get a confirmation message:



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