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Parent and Child Types Must be of Same Type



When attempting to create a QuickBooks Item you get the following message:




The item 'Samsung:LN37B750' has a parent item 'Samsung' of a different item type. Parent and child types must be of same type.

Note: of course the Manufacturer and Model will vary based on the Item you are trying to create



This error is referencing one of the three types of Items you can create in QuickBooks: Inventory, Non-Inventory, and Service. In this instance, I was attempting to create an Item of type "Inventory", but over in QuickBoooks, I already have at least one Item created for Samsung that is "Non-Inventory". In QuickBooks, all types must be the same for a parent Item.




To correct, you either need to change all your existing Items for that parent Item to "Inventory" within QuickBooks, or choose to push over the current item as "Non-Inventory".

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