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Compare with Catalog

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The Compare with Catalog feature allows you to compare fields for Products and Labor Items in a Project with what is in your SI Catalog.


compare with catalog.jpg


Use this when you want to see if anything has changed in your Catalog since adding the Product/Labor Item to a Project or if you want to compare changes made in a Project with what is in the Catalog.


Select the Product(s)/Labor Item(s) that you want to compare and click Catalog->Compare With from the Catalog tab in the Project Editor and then select either Products or Labor. This will open the Compare with Catalog form:


compare with catalog form.jpg


"Unit Price" is selected by default, but you can choose any field that you want to compare. Once you make your selection click the Next button. If there are any differences in the field selected between the item in the Project and the Catalog, they will be listed:


compare 2.jpg


You can manually Edit any product via the Edit button or you can use the Update from Catalog or Update to Catalog functions:


edit and update.jpg


If you want to export out the comparison for review, you can export to either PDF or Excel:



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