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Labor Utilization

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The Labor Utilization view/report displays data for billable vs. non-billable hours for Resources and can be opened from the Time Sheet Explorer:


labor utilization button.jpg


You must have permission to view this report.




This view groups Resources by Role and displays a summary as well as a Phase breakdown of labor utilization.


labor utilization.jpg



Resource Name.

Billable Hours

Hours from Time Sheets that are billable.

Non-Billable Hours

Hours from Time Sheets are non-billable.

Total Hours

Sum of billable and non-billable hours from Time Sheets.


This calculation is [Billable Hours] / [Total Hours] * 100.

Utilization Year-to-Date

Displays utilization for the current year, regardless of date filters.


Displays a checkmark if the hours are approved.

Time Sheet Count

Sum of all Time Sheets.


The default date filter here is for "Last 30 Days" but you can change to whatever you like. You can also filter by Resources. The default filter is set to only show approved Time Sheets but you can change this to view just pending Time Sheets or all Time Sheets.




This view can be exported to Excel or to PDF:



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