Home > SI Documentation (v13) > User Guide > Catalog > Product Explorer > Adding Products > New Button

New Button



The [New] button allows you to add a Product from scratch to your Catalog via the Product Explorer.


new button.png


This allows to you add a new Product from "scratch" to your Catalog for use in Projects and Service Orders. You can use this function when the Product is not available to be downloaded from D-Tools via the Add From Library feature.



The [New] button will open a New Product interface:


new product form.png

Required Fields


Manufacturer, Model, and Category are required fields, everything else is optional. What fields you fill in for a Product will depend on what the Product is and how you intend to use it SI. For a detailed description of all fields, see Equipment, Speakers, or Wire.


"Proposal" Fields


If you are just interested in "proposal ready" vs. "drawing ready" Products, then you will likely want to enter the following fields in addition to the required fields: Manufacturer, Model, and Category.


Field Tab Purpose


Helps you find Products quickly
Image General Can be displayed next to the Product on Proposals
Short/Long Description Description If a Long Description is entered, it will display on Proposal reports vs. the Short Description
Unit Cost Price There are three Price Types, enter at least one Unit Cost - this is what the Product costs you
Unit Price Price There are three Price Types, enter at least one Unit Price - this is what you sell the Product for
Phase Price This identifies the Phase where the Product will be installed, and also holds your labor rate if you are charging for labor this way. See Labor Considerations.
Labor Hours Price This field is for the estimated hours to install the Product. It multiplies by the Phase rate assigned to the Product if you are charging for labor this way. See Labor Considerations.
Taxable Price This is checked by default and will charge your tax rate.

"Drawing" Fields


If you intend the Products you are entering from "scratch" to be used on drawings, namely the Elevation and Schematic pages/sheets in our Visio/AutoCAD interfaces, then you should also enter the following fields.


Field Tab Purpose
Height Specifications This measurement is used for Elevation shapes/blocks in the Visio/AutoCAD interfaces.
Width Specifications This measurement is used for Elevation and scaled Plan shapes/blocks in the Visio/AutoCAD interfaces.
Depth Specifications This measurement is used for Elevation and scaled Plan shapes/blocks in the Visio/AutoCAD interfaces.
Inputs/Outputs I/O's These are used for Schematic shapes/blocks in the Visio/AutoCAD interfaces.



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