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Build 6.5.1463.0 Release Notes



This "R2" build of SI 2015 was released July 6th, 2015 and had a build number of 6.5.1463.0.


Update: We fixed a few bugs in a Client-only update released July 31st, 2015 that has a build number of 6.5.1488.0.







10185 - Getting Started Improvements

10174 - Support AutoCAD 2016



10125 - Improve I/O Editing in Product Editor

10146 - Package Dialog - Add/Delete/Edit to move to toolbar from ribbon

Project Explorer


10163 - Client Tree in Project Explorer

10214 - Option to restore project files when promote revision as a project

10186 - Clone a project from an archived project

10184 - Improve project check in and check out speed for large projects (zip large files and download files as needed)

Project Editor


10160 - Validate project items for zero price, zero cost, zero margin, unassigned phase and zero labor hours

10187 - Project Editor allows you to Add products from Library

9927 - Add Package Dialog to have an option to change Accessory Quantity

10199 - Add setting to display accessories with parent when parent item is searched for in Project Editor



10106 - Insert Drawing pages should have option to use existing background page



10110 - Add report setting to display quantities of alternate items

10188 - Wire Connection report to group by From Connection or To Connection

10196 - Report Setting to remove additional blank lines in reports

10210 - Add URL field to Report data

10145 - Add a new utility method to return filter text in reports

Tasks/Service Orders


10179 - Insert Project custom fields into Service Order Notes and Task Notes



10201 - Change QuickBooks Settings Dialog to show information easily in tabs

10157 - Add settings for transferring descriptions, vendor and part number to QuickBooks

Mobile Install


10158 - Display Site Images and Site Notes in Task Editor and Service Order Editor

10170 - Unpublish tasks and service orders from Mobile Install

10218 - Application Setting to auto publish tasks and service orders to Mobile Install

10151 - When tracking time add on task or service order option to add time to a new or existing site item

10167 - Mobile Install Task Item Pick List Report

10169 - Add captions to images for tasks and service orders in Mobile Install

10168 - Export tasks and service orders to specific Google Calendar

10217 - Setting for % Complete to auto update based on the items that are marked as installed in Mobile Install

10180 - When publishing tasks and service orders to Mobile Install default to projects folder for attaching file


Edit section

10223 - Maintain Installation Prices on Replace function changing the Cost, labor not considered

10221 - Proposal (Install Price) report has too much spacing between products

10224 - Terminals positions are changed when “Show Connected Terminals” clicked and schematic has connected wire

10189 - Paste does not work in Service Order Editor

10162 - Project items should stay collapsed when changing custom layout

10123 - Misc. Items cannot be transferred to QB by themselves

10171 - Disable "Include Alternates" and "Include Accessories" when Items is selected on reports ribbon in Project Editor

10226 - Export Wire Connections should respect the columns chosen

10182 - Wire length and Head End being improperly assigned for Packages

10177 - Vendors exported to QuickBooks displaying address improperly

10165 - Showing wrong package count when we do configure and add to project in Project Editor

10190 - Error occurs when importing large number of QuickBooks customers in client and service order explorer

10176 - Vendors imported from QuickBooks not coming in properly

10159 - Unselected package Items are added to a project when adding a package to project

10175 - Crash error occurs in the report designer when margin set zero for an existing report.

10191 - Compare with Catalog does not work for "Preferred Vendor"

10193 - Optional prices not showing when "Show item prices" parameter is unchecked for Proposals

10194 - Old Mobile Install Tasks not displaying when link from email is clicked

10202 -  Task Contact Information not printing on Task Detail report when report run from within Task

10208 -  Products added to Service Orders do not display the Part Number in Svo

10213 - Turning off "Keep accessories with parent" and "Show packages in proposals" in the Report Settings will make Alternates show up as a line item and also an alternate

10192 - Search bug in Project Editor regarding collapsed Accessories

10195 - Crash occurs if the specified path, file name, or both are too long, when trying to export the project using the send to zip option

10172 - Crash error occurs when close the last drawing in AutoCAD 2015

10230 - AutoCAD crashing when cloned items are dragged to drawing sheet

10229 - QuickBooks sync does not work for just a Vendor change for non inventory and service items with specific Customer:Job

10219 - Support Client Import based on Name and Number matching

10222 - Added package in a project is not reflecting in Packages view

10225 - Unable to go offline when the project file does not exist in the server.

10232 - In Reports filter is not working for Category type and Client description.

10233 - Package pricing not matching up when "recommend" is not selected for some accessories

Last modified


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